About Me

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Cheras, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
A simple ordinary man...

Friday, August 22, 2008


Yeong Bin and Kirly
Kah Yung and Chee Wai
Chee Wai and Wai Lun
Chee Wai and I

Wei Gee and I
Kirly and I
We are the BOYsss
Yin Yee and I
My best friend, Yeong Bin and I

My drink, Apple Green Tea
We Sat here and chat for 2 hours!
The New Couple???!!! Pink Shirts..
A Goodbye Photo
Pui Kei And I
Our First restourant
Having meal...shhhh...
Hey hey...
(1st line)-Pui Kei, Kirly, Wei Gee, Wan Peng, Yen Fong, Yin Yee
(2nd line)- Yeong Bin, Me, Wai Lun, Kah Yung, Chee Wai, Kai Shin
Date: 22nd August 2008
Time: 11:30am-7:00pm
Venue: Times Square

-Chong Yeong Bin
-Lee Chei Thai
-Voon Pui Kei
-Loke Wan Peng
-Wong Chee Wei
-Ho Kah Yung
-Kee Wei Gee
-Lim Wai Lun
-Tan Kai Shin

Early Leaver:
-Yap Hooi Nee
-Chee Wen Hui
-Yen Fong
-Yap Chee Kuan


在大门口见,朋友有些来了...有些人竟然认不出了...大家都变了,不再是以前的'小孩'了, 大家都变美了,帅了.有点遗憾有些朋友不能来...有趣的是-美淇说她冲出来时扭到脚了...不能来...


过后便和其他的人集合...去看了一场戏 'Don't mess with the Zohan', 是一场笑话剧,但有点'暴力'...哈哈...

两小时后, 便又再次去餐馆喝茶...谈谈天...聊聊天...怎知一坐便坐了两小时...哈哈...我们还不赖吧!哈哈...很多事想说,说个不停...总希望有更多时间谈天...天下了大雨...我们很不舍得走,依依不舍...拍了全体照...
真的希望有一天...我们还会见面...走向新的旅程...大家一起加油! C'est la vie...

Saturday, August 16, 2008


The rules and regulations:

1. Each player of this game starts off with 15 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself.
2. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 15 weird things/habits/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly.
3. At the end, you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.
4. No tags back!!

15 Weird Things/ Habits/Little Known Facts about Myself (is truth)

1.You can call me Chei Thai. Chei Thai is my name. But my English literature teacher use to call me as Uncle Thai. You know why? Because she don’t know how to pronounce my name correctly. Hahaha

2.You can call me ‘Thai ChiLi’ (spell my name backward) if you want. But you will not know when come a sudden Twister and you will receive a sudden pain and attack without any notice. Hehe

3.Every year, I have to check my name’s spelling in the register book, because my form teacher always wrote my name as Chee Tai!!!! Haiz. But fortunately, they didn’t write my name as C… Hai.. Thank god!

4.I stayed with my aunties. Many people sure wonder why. Let me tell you why. I met an accident in 1996. So, I was then sent to the KL hospital for operation. Ke lian. And then, one last operation had been conducted when I was Form 2. So, I use to stay with my aunties and God give me the chance to meet my friends. Thanks God again.

5.I have four brothers. Ya, all Boys! This shows that my father very ‘geng’. Hehe. I am the second son in my family, but I am the Tallest and the Thinnest among all, I don’t’ know why? Maybe I eat too much ‘CocoCruch’ and ‘Calcium’.

6. Every night before bed, I use to write my diary, I carried my diary everywhere for trip or etc. I wrote my diary for almost 3 years.

7.My favourite singer is Fish Leong Jing Ru, a Malysian Chinese Female-Singer. I bought my first CD album of her when I was Form 1- ‘The Power of Love Song’. Everyone wonders why I admired her so much…because…none of your business! Kepo!

8.My Classic Word: ‘C’est La Vie!’ (‘This is the reality of life!’ in France Term)

9.I have a medium length body but a long leg. So, I can’t really sit in the leg-crossing way. For me, is better to stand than sit, sometimes…

10.I like to ask people lame IQ question. You Know Why? Because they look funny when they are thinking. And when I tell them the answer, they fainted or…just give me a silly smile. XP Funny huh?

11.Seriously, I admire a girl before few years later. But know, she turn to be my ‘zhi mui’. She almost as tall as me and as thin as me. But, my head is bigger then her. HeheKe lian

12.I am a very talkative student, but at home, I turn to be a ‘berat mulut’. I kena five demerits because ‘Bising dalam kelas’, but my merit marks is 128!!! Haha…But my teacher always told my parents that I seldom talk…???? She haven’t see my truth colour yet!

13.I am seventeen (2008) but I have white hair and it only grow in the centre part of my hair. This makes me looks old but mature maybe…hehe. I tried to dry my hair to black but failed.

14.Actually, I like to chat with people. I like to know more friends, but some of them said that I look scary. Huh?

15.I don’t like to eat durian. I don’t know why. But I use to eat it last time. Besides, I am not allowed to eat beef because of religion proposes. I also seldom eat pork. So, I parents use to call me as Muhd. KumarLingam(A Mix name from Malay and Indian). Haha… hen hao xiao…always smile!

The Next 10 Victims:


‘Happily’ To Announce That- I AM A NATIONAL SERVICE MEMBER!

On the night of 13th August 17, 2008, I really got a shock of my life! I was revising my chemistry for my exam, suddenly; I received a message from my friend. He asked me whether I check whether I involve in 2009 national service. Then, I sent to him my IC number and he checked for me.
I waiting, waiting and waiting…then ‘ring…!’, I quickly read the message. Oh my goodness…

The message stated: ‘RM0.50. Tahniah! 910519-XX-XXXX LEE CHEI THAI telah dipilih untuk menyertai PLKN bagi sesi 6/2009.’

Quiet sad at the first time, but after persuaded by my friend and parents, I felt better…
PLKN… I am Coming…!

奥林匹克运动会隆重开幕in Beijing 2008!

8月8日,第29届夏季奥林匹克运动会在国家体育场隆重开幕。图为李宁点燃主火炬瞬间。 8月8日,最后一棒火炬手李宁凌空绕场一周,准备点燃主火炬塔。 8月8日晚8时,第29届夏季奥林匹克运动会在国家体育场——“鸟巢”隆重开幕。新华社记者郭大岳摄
国际在线消息:作为主火炬手,“体操王子”李宁手持祥云火炬腾空飞上体育场的顶沿,开始了神奇的奔跑,仿佛跑在“空中跑道”上。一幅中国式画卷在他的奔跑中,沿“空中跑道”徐徐展开。画卷上依次展现了从雅典直至北京,全球传递圣火的全过程动态影像。  画卷沿“空中跑道”打开360°后自然上卷形成火炬塔。此时火炬塔才正式向全世界亮相。

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Happy, happy and thx...!

After few weeks of waiting…… at last, I got my cheque, the prize of Dominos’ Pizza Poster Drawing from my teacher advisor…so happy!!!!! What should I do with my money……keep it for future purposes or……????
However, I would like to thanks everyone who helps me to achieve it, thank you every much…!

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