theme'Think safety, think family'
Few week s ago, Pn Gan(HEM) came to our class and looking for me, I thought I might dono something wrong, but when she said that i got the first prize in the Domino's 'Think Safety, Think Family' Poster Drawing, i an sooo excitedand glad to hear that.
The next day, i followed the Confusion Student went to SMK bandar utama... So far far away...
Pn LEE, my teacher advisor and i together attend the prize giving ceromony... took so many photo for that event... Datuk Ng Yen Yen attended the event too, she lools more beautiful than the photo in the newspapar...
During the prize giving ceremony, i found out that all blth champion are boys, while other all girls...hehehe, this show that boys are more creative than gals, maybe....the prize are Rm1000( RM400 for myself, RM 600 for school and teacher, and Rm250 domino voucher)
The Winnerssss....
The event end at 1230, went to pn lee's house, then balik ke sekolah...everyone was trying to steal all those somino voucher from me, sooooo ke lian..T.T
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